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perjantai 11. joulukuuta 2009

BCAA-lisä vähentää lihasarkuutta

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise -tiedelehdessä ilmestyi juuri uusi BCAA-tutkimus. Alla tutkimustiivistelmä. BCAA:t eli haaraketjuiset aminohapot (leusiini, isoleusiini ja valiini) ovat keskeisessä asemassa lihasten aminohappo-metaboliassa, sillä niitä poltetaan suoraan energiaksi kuormituksen aikana. BCAA-lisä stimuloi lihasproteiini-synteesiä (anabolia) ja vähentävät lihasproteiinien hajoamista (katabolia). Tuoreet tutkimukset vihjaavat, että BCAA-yhdistelmä on hyödyllisempää kuin pelkkä leusiini.

Branched-chain amino acid ingestion can ameliorate soreness from eccentric exercise.

Jackman SR, Witard OC, Jeukendrup AE, Tipton KD.

Human Performance Laboratory, Exercise Metabolism Research Group, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, B15 2TT, United Kingdom.

PURPOSE:: The purpose of this study was to examine the role of branched chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation during recovery from intense eccentric exercise. METHODS:: Twenty-four non-weight trained males were assigned to one of two groups; one group (SUP) ingested BCAA beverages (n=12); a second group (PLA) ingested artificially flavoured water (n=12). Diet was controlled throughout the testing period to match habitual intake. The eccentric exercise protocol consisted of 12x10 repetitions of unilateral eccentric knee extension exercise at 120% concentric one repetition maximum. On the day of the exercise supplements were consumed 30 min before exercise, 1.5 h following exercise, between lunch and dinner and before bed. On the following two days four supplements were consumed between meals. Muscle soreness, muscle function and putative blood markers of muscle damage were assessed pre and post (1, 8, 24, 48, 72 h) exercise. RESULTS:: Muscle function decreased after the eccentric exercise (P<0.0001) but the degree of force loss was unaffected by BCAA ingestion (51+/- 3% with SUP versus -48 +/- 7% with PLA). A decrease in flexed muscle soreness was observed in SUP compared to PLA at 48 h (21 +/- 3 mm vs. 32 +/- 3 mm; P=0.02) and 72 h (17 +/- 3 mm vs. 27 +/- 4 mm; P=0.038). Flexed muscle soreness, expressed as area under the curve, was lower in SUP than PLA (P=0.024). CONCLUSIONS:: BCAA supplementation may attenuate muscle soreness, but does not ameliorate eccentric exercise-induced decrements in muscle function or increases in reputed blood markers of muscle damage, when consumed pre and for 3 days after an eccentric exercise bout.

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