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Paljonko resveratrolia on punaviinilitrassa? Yritän hahmottaa kuinka paljon näissä tableteissa on vaikuttavaa ainetta. Kiitos mielenkiintoisesta tuotteesta!
"The hypothesis that resveratrol from wine could have higher bioavailability than resveratrol from a pill[11][35] has been disproved by experimental data.[34][36] For example, after five men took 600 mL of red wine with the resveratrol content of 3.2 mg/L (total dose about 2 mg) before breakfast, unchanged resveratrol was detected in the blood of only two of them, and only in trace amounts (below 2.5 ng/mL). Resveratrol levels appeared to be slightly higher if red wine (600 mL of red wine containing 0.6 mg/mL resveratrol; total dose about 0.5 mg) was taken with meal: trace amounts (1–6 ng/mL) were found in four out of ten subjects.[36] In another study, the pharmacokinetics of resveratrol (25 mg) did not change whether it was taken with vegetable juice, white wine or white grape juice. The highest level of unchanged resveratrol in the serum (7–9 ng/mL) was achieved after thirty minutes, and it completely disappeared from blood after four hours.[34] The authors of both studies concluded that the trace amounts of resveratrol reached in the blood are insufficient to explain the French paradox. It appears that the beneficial effects of wine could be explained by the effects of alcohol[34] or the whole complex of substances wine contains;[36] for example, the cardiovascular benefits of wine appear to correlate with the content of procyanidins.[37]"
Tässä tutkimuksessa:
... todetaan ettei resveratroli suoraan aktivoi SIRT1 -geeniä. Se ei kuitenkaan kiistä resveratrolin tehokkuutta ja vaikutusta aineenvaihduntaan, vaan vain toteaa ettei vaikutus johdu suoraan aiemmin oletetusta syystä vaan tapahtuu ilmeisesti muuta kautta.
4 kommenttia:
Paljonko resveratrolia on punaviinilitrassa? Yritän hahmottaa kuinka paljon näissä tableteissa on vaikuttavaa ainetta.
Kiitos mielenkiintoisesta tuotteesta!
"The hypothesis that resveratrol from wine could have higher bioavailability than resveratrol from a pill[11][35] has been disproved by experimental data.[34][36] For example, after five men took 600 mL of red wine with the resveratrol content of 3.2 mg/L (total dose about 2 mg) before breakfast, unchanged resveratrol was detected in the blood of only two of them, and only in trace amounts (below 2.5 ng/mL). Resveratrol levels appeared to be slightly higher if red wine (600 mL of red wine containing 0.6 mg/mL resveratrol; total dose about 0.5 mg) was taken with meal: trace amounts (1–6 ng/mL) were found in four out of ten subjects.[36] In another study, the pharmacokinetics of resveratrol (25 mg) did not change whether it was taken with vegetable juice, white wine or white grape juice. The highest level of unchanged resveratrol in the serum (7–9 ng/mL) was achieved after thirty minutes, and it completely disappeared from blood after four hours.[34] The authors of both studies concluded that the trace amounts of resveratrol reached in the blood are insufficient to explain the French paradox. It appears that the beneficial effects of wine could be explained by the effects of alcohol[34] or the whole complex of substances wine contains;[36] for example, the cardiovascular benefits of wine appear to correlate with the content of procyanidins.[37]"
Alla infoa annostuksesta:
Tässä tutkimuksessa:
... todetaan ettei resveratroli suoraan aktivoi SIRT1 -geeniä. Se ei kuitenkaan kiistä resveratrolin tehokkuutta ja vaikutusta aineenvaihduntaan, vaan vain toteaa ettei vaikutus johdu suoraan aiemmin oletetusta syystä vaan tapahtuu ilmeisesti muuta kautta.
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